It just came to my attention that not all berries are original. A simple question was asked…”What’s the difference between a boysenberry and a blackberry?” My first thought was that it was just a different kind of berry. Who knows, maybe some guy named Mr. Boysen discovered a new strain of berry and named it after himself. And that could very well be the case, except for the fact that I discovered that a boysenberry is a mix between a raspberry and a blackberry. I think if I were to name the hybrid I would probably have called it a blaspberry or a rackberry. This is why I think that Mr. Boysen must have had something to do with it. Who is Mr. Boysen anyway? Rudolph Boysen was a horticulturist in the 1930’s that successfully hybridized the raspberry and blackberry together. After abandoning his practice (and farm) Walter Knott took up the slack by finding some sickly vines on Boysen’s property, and went to town with this new berry. The rest, as they say, is history.
About Chef Rebecca
by rebecca
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