You’re right, beans are not a fruit they are in the legume family. For years I felt that the easiest way to serve beans was to open up the can and pour. Well my daughter, Jennifer called me today and reminded me this was not always the case. Interesting fact – I have just started getting into cooking dried beans recently. It could be because I have so many bins of various dried beans in my pantry (I was very ambitious one year when a bulk health food store opened up and sold beans by the 50# sack). Well that store never made it and I am ever so grateful that dried beans last forever. I will be experimenting with different ways to flavor various beans varieties and will share my findings with you. Visit the recipe section of my blog for new updates. For all bean recipes I follow these basic preparation steps.
1) soak the beans overnight in water and a handful of salt. The term overnight can mean cover the beans in water tonight and rinse them tomorrow – or – cover the beans in water tonight and oops 2 days later gee I hope the beans are still good and rinse them. I have used both methods with equal success.
2) I always like cooking my beans in the pressure cooker. This way it doesn’t take as long to cook and I really like the texture the pressure cooker gives them.
Other than that it is all in how you flavor them and for that you will have to visit my recipe section.
About Chef Rebecca
by rebecca
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