Cleanliness is next to godliness

You’ve all heard it said that cleanliness is next to godliness. If this is truly the case, then I am a far cry from what I hope to be. That being said I would like to share with you a bit of wisdom passed on to me from my mother. When I was growing up, I loved helping in the kitchen. I liked every part of it – except the cleanup. I thought that the best job to have would be to just cook, cook, cook. I was actually really good at it. I wanted nothing more than to have my mother’s approval on everything I did in the kitchen. Unfortunately (or not), my mother’s approval all boiled down to how clean the kitchen was when I was done. Why couldn’t she just love what I did without making such a big deal about the clean up? Well, I have to admit, she was right. A clean kitchen really does make a happy chef. Does that mean that I enjoy cleaning my kitchen? That would be a no, but I do love working in a clean environment. When my kitchen is clean and everything is in its proper place the cooking experience to so much better that it is well worth the trouble of keeping it clean. Besides, I’m sure there is less chance of icky bacteria growing in a clean environment. So all in all I just want to say “Thanks, Mom. You were right!”

August 26, 2009 - 11:59 am Jen - This makes me laugh! I will never forget growing up the rule was I cook you clean. I tried it with my daughter but I am too picky about how clean the kitchen should be. So she helps but I am always at her side making sure it is clean. I would have to agree it is way easier to cook in the kitchen when it is clean not only clean but not cluttered. About once a month I have to de clutter my counters so I have more space to cook!

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