How to boil chicken without boiling over.

Have you ever started chicken (chicken parts, chicken guts for dog food, just making chicken broth) to boil and walked away? The phone rings, the dog barks, the cat demands a snack. Suddenly you hear a sound coming from the kitchen and no matter how fast you run, there is no way you can save the mess. Ewwwww…chicken water boiled over onto your stove and you can’t even finish cooking on that burner until all is cleaned up. Well here is a trick that you can use to save yourself from this frustration. Just boil the water with the lid off. Yes, it’s as simple as that. I know the water will boil faster with the lid on, but unless you are willing to watch the pot boil (which according to my records a watched pot never boils) this is a fool proof way to save the mess.

July 24, 2009 - 9:30 pm Jen - that is a good solution, cause I would have just said have your kids watch the pot. It boils faster that way cause you aren't waiting they are!!!!

August 25, 2009 - 5:49 pm k schorle - cooked food looses all the important ensigns that the body needs to digest where raw food have those intact so the digestive process is much shorter and the body will be healthier and there will be no or very little weight gain , after 4 month of eating raw foods i have lost 20 pounds and gained my power back , to work 12 hr a day without having any negative reactions . best wishes k schorle

August 26, 2009 - 2:00 am rebecca - Good to hear from you! I'm really glad that you are enjoying your raw foods. I haven't gotten to that point yet...I still love charred flesh. Did you see the video on shopping at the organic farm? We really are spoiled here! Hugs and Kisses.

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