I never thought I would add a date that didn’t start with 19something rather than 20something. I guess I always believed that I would forever be 19something…Anyway, on to the menu of the day. It really doesn’t suck that I live on Maui. I just want to make that perfectly clear, because being a foodie, there is no other place in the world (sans Italy or France) that I would rather be. This morning started out with coconut. First of all it was the leftover coconut meat in a tupperware in the fridge (we always save the older ones for snacking on). Then onto the fresh coconut. We opened this wonderful spoonmeat coconut this morning that was out of this world. If you have never experienced spoonmeat coconut you have never really experienced coconut. Spoonmeat is a young coconut where the meat is more like pudding than coconut. The coconut water is sweet and delicate and the meat is to die for. But this was just the preamble to breakfast.
Breakfast consisted of Canadian Bacon, slightly warmed, steamed spinach with a fresh soft poached egg and fresh mango. I am so glad that it is spring going on summer and good local mangos are easier to find @Yees Orchard. I have never been very happy with those ones from Mexico.
Then it was off to work. Work today consisted on getting about 3 months dust and dog hairs out of my office and giving a quick mop job. Not deep cleaning by any means but definitely better than nothing at all (which is obviously what has been happening forĀ at least 3 months). Lunch today was late…2:00 late which actually turned into 3:00 as a client showed up right at 2:00. But oh was it worth the wait. We had fresh Maui Fillet, organic local broccoli with cheese and garlicky smushy potatoes. What a feast.
For dinner it was a coconut curry leek soup. Simple yet tasty. Complimented with sourdough baguette and optional Parmesan Cheese…ready to melt. Yummmmm.
by rebecca
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